Homework Guidelines



Homework Guidelines

Homework complements the academic tasks undertaken in school and contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline, and lifelong learning habits. Homework should provide students with the opportunity to apply information they have learned, complete unfinished class assignments, and develop independence. Educators in NORTHWEST will ensure that homework will be relevant, challenging, and meaningful to reinforce classroom learning. Middle school teachers will provide parents with written guidelines of the homework requirements including the relationship these guidelines have to the student learner and reporting grades.

Each Subject teacher will be assigning homework as required and will specify when the work is to be completed through the Edunation™ calendar or with an assignment handout containing the grading rubric. The homework should be completed by the due dates specified. If the work is not submitted on time, deductions in marks will apply. Each teacher has his/her own policy on deductions and this depends heavily on the type of assignment given. Students will be expected to keep track of assignments and due dates. In case of absence, parents are required to contact the homeroom teacher and get any homework so that the student can keep current with the academic lessons.

Middle school supplies parents with a quarterly plan and uses the Communication Diary, Edmoto, or Edunation to indicate homework or give any additional information as appropriate.

Parents are asked to reinforce this policy with their children.